Luke Hart is a London-based artist. His sculptural practice is driven by structural and material experimentation. Using a variety of industrial production methods, and methods of his own design and invention, the work often focuses on the connection points, or joints, of steel structure engineering which enable or encourage flexibility and structural variation. Luke is interested in how a structural and sculptural object functionally, rather than visually, interacts with the world around it. The adaptable systems that I develop allow exploration of this through investigation of these relationships, through gravity or buoyancy, or through relationships to architecture or landscape. This blurring of the boundary between the art object and the functional, and the possible potential of practical use-value applications both allows the work an embedded relationship to and within the world, and disregards the traditional autonomy of the art-object. The work manifests in a variety of serial investigations, such as a series of structural flexible joints, fabricated and DIY injection moulded in the workshop in steel and chemically bonded polyurethane rubber; a series of structures built from these component parts; and components and structures built of mechanical steel parts designed to be flexible to adapt to different configurations or responses to the world.