Will Kippax uses sculpture, drawing, and installation to explore his surroundings. Moments abstracted from the everyday. His practice is an attempt to understand, to decipher, to glean information about the relation between body, object, and experience. Exploring the gap between image and object, sculptures slip from two dimensions into three. Some work alludes to postures, movements, and gestures from the body. Other works are more abstract, suggesting the temporal or more ephemeral moments and spaces.
Sculptural facets such as volume, scale, texture, mass, and line are used to generate spaces within the work. Some, confront the viewer, others allow one to project in, through, over or around. While the weight of colour is used to draw one in and push one back. As punctuation. Starting or concluding. Drawing, both on a large and small scale, fuels this approach and feeds into the sculptures, as the sculptures do the drawings.
Materials such as resin, steel, paper, and plaster, are folded, curved and cast. Around, inside and through one and another. Transforming from material to object, they become signifiers of human presence or absence. Slipping between the second and third dimension, the works exist on a periphery. And as their origin from which they came, they are both at once abstract and familiar, internal and external, fast and slow, loud and quiet.