A star is just a memory of a star brings together artworks by Jane Hayes Greenwood, Alexi Marshall, Robin Megannity, Alan Stanners and Katie Tomlinson using the poem Fireflies by Nick Cave as the starting point.




Jesus lying in his mother's arms

Is a photon released from a dying star

We move through the forest at night

The sky is full of momentary light

And everything we need is just too far

We are photons released from a dying star

We are fireflies a child has trapped in a jar

And everything is distant as the stars

I am here and you are where you are


We have lived a long time here in the forest

We lie beneath the heaps of leaves

We are partial to this partial light

We cannot sleep and fear our dreams

There is no order here, nothing can be planned

We are fireflies trapped in a little boy's hand

And everything is distant as the stars

And I am here and you are where you are


And we lie among our atoms and I speak to you of things

And hope sometimes that maybe you will understand

There is no order here and there is no middle ground

Nothing can be predicted and nothing can be planned

A star is just a memory of a star

We are fireflies pulsing dimly in the dark

We are here and you are where you are

We are here and you are where you are


Through the works in the exhibition we consider the invisible strings that bind us, pulling us inexorably towards the ones we love or - through tricks of time and circumstance - become tangled and knotted keeping us apart. We explore ideas of intimacy and desire, touch and restraint, addiction, and the intangible, unspoken bond of family.  As in Cave’s poem, there is a sense that the ones we love are phantoms or shadows, always walking alongside us even when we are kept apart. 


We are fireflies trapped in a little boy’s hand, and everything is distant as the stars, I am here and you are where you are.